Illustrations inspired by the great outdoors.
Discover the beauty of the Pacific Northwest.
I’m a Portland-based graphic designer, and an avid hiker. I love to showcase the incredibly-varied Northwest scenery with these beautiful (if I do say so myself) illustrations.
I spend my work day at my computer, but on weekends, I love exploring the forests and wide open spaces of Oregon and Washington … it inspires my art. These are digital, vector-based drawings that I do on my computer. I use the pencil tool to draw a line, or the pen tool to draw a series of points that I fill with color. It’s detailed and time consuming work but to me, results are worth it. What do you think?
Where to find my art?
If you’re in Portland, pick up note cards of many of these illustrations at Portland Nursery, Garden Fever or The Arrangement.
Just drop me a line and let me know which print you want. I’ll take care of you!
I stock prints and note cards so you can order those directly from me here on my shop page.
Or click any image to visit my Society6 shop where you can order phone cases, journals, travel mugs, puzzles and other cool items.